IV European Congress on Jewellery - Centres and Peripheries in European Jewellery from Antiquity to 21st Century

29.11.2018 09:00 — 30.11.2018 19:00
Escola das Artes

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29.11.2018 09:00 30.11.2018 19:00 IV European Congress on Jewellery - Centres and Peripheries in European Jewellery from Antiquity to 21st Century Link: https:///pt/central-eventos/iv-european-congress-jewellery-centres-and-peripheries-european-jewellery-antiquity

Como Chegar / How to Arrive
Universidade Católica Portuguesa - Porto
IV European Congress on Jewellery - Centres and Peripheries in European Jewellery from Antiquity to 21st Century
29 - 30 NOV
Auditório Carvalho Guerra Auditorium
Organizado e Coordenado por  | Organized and administered by:
CITAR - Centro de Investigação em Ciência e Tecnologia das Artes | Escola das Artes 
Research Centre for Science and Techonology of the Arts | School of Arts)
Curso de Doutoramento em Estudos do Património (Escola das Artes-UCP)
Doctoral Course in Heritage Studies (School of Arts-UCP)
Após as estimulantes conferências em La Bañeza (Léon), Madride Barcelona, a quarta reunião do Congresso Europeu de Joalharia realizar-se-á em novembro, no Porto, no norte de Portugal. Os oradores deste ano são convidados a explorar ideias sobre centros e periferias e a abordar a relação entre joias produzidas em "centros" da moda e joias produzidas em outros lugares.
O congresso de dois dias será dividido em cinco sessões, organizadas cronologicamente desde a Antiguidade até o presente. As comunicações versarão sobre a história e a estética da joalharia em toda a Europa e também mostrarão como a ourivesaria europeia influenciou e foi influenciada por artistas de todo o mundo.
Para este quarto Congresso, que esperamos que venha a ser mais uma vez um fórum para novas ideias e debates sobre a história da joalharia europeia, encorajamos os palestrantes a abordar temas como a circulação de desenhos e motivos ornamentais entre países e períodos, o uso de novos materiais e diferentes técnicas, ou as maneiras pelas quais as joias viajavam através das fronteiras e continentes, transportadas pela realeza, diplomatas, mercadores ou eclesiásticos.
After successful and stimulating conferences in La Bañeza (Léon), Madrid and Barcelona, the fourth meeting of the European Congress on Jewellery will take place this November in Porto, northern Portugal. Speakers this year are invited to explore ideas about centres and peripheries, and to address the relationship between jewellery produced in fashionable ‘centres’ and jewellery produced elsewhere.
The two day Congress will be divided into five sessions, organized chronologically from Antiquity to the present. Papers will investigate the history and aesthetics of jewellery across Europe and will also show how European goldsmithing influenced, and was influenced by, artists from across the world.
For this fourth Congress, which we hope will once again prove a forum for new ideas and debates about the history of European jewellery, we encourage speakers to address topics such as the circulation of designs and ornamental motifs across countries and periods, the use of new materials and different techniques, or the ways in which jewels travelled across borders and continents, transported by figures such as royals, royals, diplomats, merchants or ecclesiastics.
Temas Themes
Forma e Ornamento em joalharia Form and ornament in jewellery
Joalharia e outras artes Jewellery and the other Arts 
Ornamento e cultura popular Ornament and popular culture
Materiais e Técnicas Materials and techniques
A troca e circulação de joias The exchange and circulation of jewels
Registo Registration 
Speakers – 70 € 
Publico geral General public – 30 €
Estudantes Students – 20 €

29th November 2018 (Thursday)                                                             




Opening remarks


Keynote Lecture

María Antonia Herradón Figueroa, Art of Damascening. Spanish Steel Jewellery in Fashion, 1875-1936

Table I

Jewellery: form, ornament and its relation with the other arts

Chair: Kirstin Kennedy


Amy McHugh, The Jewellist: Jean Schlumberg and his Early Jewelled Creations


Ornella Cirillo, The Jewels of Nanni Strada, a ‘little Milanese’ Between the Readymade and Avant-garde Styles


Coffee Break


Gonçalo de Vasconcelos e Sousa, Revivalism and Modernity in the work of the Portuguese Jeweller José Rosas Júnior (1885-1958)




Private view of the exhibition of catalogues and other documentation related to European jewellery from the 19th and 20th centuries (Edifício do Restauro)


Lunch (own arrangements)

Table II

Materials and Techniques

Chairs: Gonçalo de Vasconcelos e Sousa; Rosa Mota


Carla Castiajo, Exploring Hair as a Material


Ana Cicuendez, Glass in Jewellery




Coffee Break


Ana Passos, From Material to Affection: the Construction of the Meaning of Jewellery


Claudette Joannis, About Hair in a Locket (the Memory of Body and Heart)


Danuta Szewcyk-Prokurat; Dariusz Nowacki, Jewellery in 17th Century Poland: Forgotten Jewellery Centres on the Outskirts of Europe


Magdalena Adamska, Pea-pod Style in the Jewellery of the 17th Century Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth




Keynote lecture

Cristina Filipe, Kukas, A Cloud that Breaks  into Rain: A Vision on Portuguese Contemporary Jewellery


30th November 2018 (Friday)


Table III

Ornament and Popular Culture 

Chair: María Antonia Herradón


Ana Cristina Sousa; Diana Felícia, Memory, frames (bitolas) and pattern books (Defumos) Books: The Crafting of Filigree Jewellery in Gondomar, Portugal


Elvira González, Traditional Majorcan Jewellery


João Grave, The Jewels of Our Lady of Mount Carmel’s image (1771): A theft, a treasure and some considerations on its meaning




Coffee Break


Ana Cristina Sousa, The Agni Dei “behind the mountains”. A Case Study of Carção (Vimioso)


Marina Elenskaya, Jewellery Making Waves. From Archetype to Fringe, the Course of Contemporary Jewellery




Lunch (own arrangements)

Table IV

The Exchange and Circulation of Jewels

Chairs: Claudette Joannis; Francesca Balzan


Cristina Vignone, At Home and Abroad: Tiffany’s Patrons in Nineteenth-Century Paris and London


Patricia Ferrari, From London to Paris: The Influence of Celtic Art in the World of René Lalique


Marta Sanz-Bustillo Aguirre; Saulo Alvarado Martinsanz; Alberto Galindo Muñoz, Bauhaus Jewellery


Anastazja Buttitta, Venetian Jewish Wedding Rings: An International Affair




Coffee Break


Martha J. Egan, Brazil: Where European, African, and Native Customs Converge in Religious Jewelry


Ana Passos, From Both Sides of the Atlantic: Study of Two Private Collections of Jewellery from the 18th and 19th Centuries in Bahia


Amelia Aranda Huete; Paloma Orgaz Aranda, Exchange of Jewels Between the Spanish and Portuguese Courts




Keynote Lecture

Rosa Mota, Gold, Religion and Popular Belief  in the Festivities of Northern Portugal


Musical performance by Cantadeiras do Vale do Neiva


Closing remarks


1st December 2018 (Saturday)


Visit to the Jewellery Collection at Museu Nacional de Soares dos Reis


Visit to Saint Francis Church, Museum and Catacombs


Lunch (own arrangements)

Diretor do Congresso Congress Director
Gonçalo de Vasconcelos e Sousa (School of Arts-UCP; CITAR-EA/UCP)
Conselho Consultivo Advisory Committee
Amelia Aranda Huet (Patrimonio Nacional, Colecciones Reales; Spain)
Annemarie Jordan Gschwend (Independent Scholar)
Claudette Joannis (Conservateur en Chef Honoraire du Patrimoine, France) 
Diana Scarisbrick (Independent Scholar, UK)
Francesca Balzan (Palazzo Falson Historic House Museum, Mdina)
Gonçalo de Vasconcelos e Sousa (School of Arts-UCP; CITAR-EA/UCP)
Kirstin Kennedy (Victoria and Albert Museum, London)
Letizia Arbeteta Mira (Cuerpo Facultivo de Conservadores de Museos, Spain)
María Antonia Herradón Figueroa (Museo del Traje, Madrid)
Mariàngels Fondevila (Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya, Barcelona)
Rosa Maria dos Santos Mota (CITAR-EA/UCP)
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Para mais informações por favor contactar o secretariado do Congresso
For more information please contact the Congress administrator
Maria Silva (mnsilva@porto.ucp.pt)

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