Sara Nunes da Costa e Silva


Sara Silva is post-doctoral researcher in the Alchemy project at the Fermention Solutions research group ( Biomolecules innovation research line)  at CBQF. She holds a PhD in biotechnology (with a specialization in Microbiology) and is currently involved in research focused on the study of the biological properties of compounds generated by the Amyris platform focusing on exploiting potential new applications for food and cosmetic application.  Throughout her career she has been involved in several research projects focused on the development of added value products through  the extraction of added value ingredients, the demonstration of their potential health benefits and other relevant functional properties as well as their inclusion into new, added value products.




Roberta MS de Andrade, Sara Silva, Célia MdF Costa, Mariana Veiga, Eduardo Costa, Mariana SL Ferreira, Edira CBdA Gonçalves, Manuela Estevez Pintado. (2020). Potential prebiotic effect of fruit and vegetable byproducts flour using in vitro gastrointestinal digestion. Food Research International 137. DOI:10.1016/j.foodres.2020.109354

Sílvia A. Moreira, Sara Silva, Eduardo Costa, Soraia Pinto, Bruno Sarmento, Jorge A. Saraiva, Manuela Pintado (2020). Effect of high hydrostatic pressure extraction on biological activities and phenolics composition of winter savory leaf extracts. Antioxidants 9 (9): 841. DOI: 10.3390/antiox9090841

Soudabeh Ghalamara, Sara Silva, Carla Brazinha, Manuela Pintado. (2020). Valorization of Fish by-products: purification of bioactive peptides from codfish blood and sardine cooking wastewaters by membrane processing. Membranes 10(3):44

Patricia AB Ramos, Catarina Moreirinha, Sara Silva, Eduardo M Costa, Mariana Veiga, Ezequiel Coscueta, Sónia AO Santos, Adelaide Almeida, M Manuela Pintado, Carmen SR Freire, Artur MS Silva, Armando JD Silvestre. (2019). The health promoting effects if Salix spp. Bark polar extracts: Key insights on phenolic composition and in vitro bioactivity and biocompatibility. Antioxidants 8(12):609. DOI:10.3390/antiox8120609

Eduardo M Costa, Sara Silva, Mariana Veiga, Freni K Tavaria, M Manuela Pintado. (2018). Exploiting the potential of chitosan nanoparticles as effective inhibitors of antibiotic resistant skin microorganisms – from in vitro to ex vitro testing. Carbohydrate Polymers 201(C):340-346
DOI: 10.1016/j.carbpol.2018.08.083

Academic CV

Centre for Biotechnology and Fine Chemistry (CBQF)