Lançamento do INSURE.HUB Innovation in Sustainability and Regeneration Hub

27.10.2021 14:30

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27.10.2021 14:30 Lançamento do INSURE.HUB Innovation in Sustainability and Regeneration Hub Link: https:///pt/node/26079

Como Chegar / How to Arrive
Universidade Católica Portuguesa - Porto




A Sustentabilidade e a Regeneração são áreas prioritárias para as organizações nos dias de hoje, em linha com o proposto pelo European Green Deal. O INSURE.hub é uma iniciativa que tem como grande objetivo criar um ecossistema internacional vibrante de conhecimento transdisciplinar que promova soluções de negócio de âmbito circular, sustentável e regenerativo, potenciadas por tecnologias disruptivas. Resulta da mobilização da Universidade Católica Portuguesa, no Porto, através das suas Faculdades - Católica Porto Business School e Escola Superior de Biotecnologia - e da Planetiers New Generation, aportando um conjunto de entidades nacionais e internacionais que se constituem como líderes de pensamento e agentes de transformação para a Sustentabilidade e a Regeneração.


14:30 Opening Remarks

Isabel Capeloa Gil | Universidade Católica Portuguesa (Rector)
Isabel Braga da Cruz | Catolica Porto - CRP (President)

14:40 Brief presentation of INSURE.hub - “Innovation for Sustainability and Regeneration Hub”

Manuela Pintado | Católica Porto, Faculty of Biotechnology - Centre for Biotechnology and Fine Chemistry
João Pinto | Católica Porto (Vice-President) and Business School (Professor of Finance)
António Vasconcelos, Planetiers New Generation (Co-Leader)

15:05 European Survey Corporate: Sustainability, Innovation and Leadership

Edwin Janssen | Sustainable Growth Associates - The Natural Step Germany (Partner)

15:20 Backcasting from net-zero and from positive pursuits enabled by tech acceleration

Rüdiger Rohrig | Sustainable Growth Associates - The Natural Step Germany (Managing Partner)

15:40 Panel discussing the findings of the survey and the challenges ahead

Ana Salomé | Symington Family Estates (People and Sustainability Executive Board Member)
Micaela Cabral | Bondalti (Head of Strategy and Sustainability)
in dialogue with Edwin Janssen


16:30 Future-Fit Business as a navigation toolkit aligned with backcasting

Tom Bregman | Future-Fit Foundation, UK (Corporate)

16:50 Sustainable & regenerative financing and investing

João Pinto | Católica Porto Business School
Sofia Santos | Credito Agrícola (ESG expert advisor)
in dialogue with Tom Bregman

17:10 Regenerative business – the new wave

John Fullerton | Capital Institute, US (CEO)

17:40 An International Dialogue on Regenerative Business

Gunter Pauli | ZERI - Zero Emissions and Research Initiative (CEO and one of the Founders of Circular Economy)
in dialogue with John Fullerton

18:10 Case study of Circular and Sustainable Innovation: Alchemy

John Melo | CEO Amyris Inc, US (CEO)
introduced by Manuela Pintado (also Scientific Coordinator of the Alchemy Project)

18:30 Closing Words

Paula Castro | Escola Superior de Biotecnologia (Dean)
Rui Sousa | Católica Porto Business School (Dean)


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