Research Seminar CBQF/LAE "Temporal Sensory Analysis"

20.09.2019 11:00
Escola Superior de Biotecnologia | Edifício de Biotecnologia / Biotechnology Building

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20.09.2019 11:00 Research Seminar CBQF/LAE "Temporal Sensory Analysis" Link: https:///pt/node/21440

Como Chegar / How to Arrive
Universidade Católica Portuguesa - Porto

Venue: EBI Auditorium

A Escola Superior de Biotecnologia da Universidade Católica Portuguesa tem o prazer de convidar toda a comunidade para participar nos Seminário Investigação CBQF/LAE "Temporal sensory analysis"

The Faculty of Biotechnology has the pleasure to invite all the community to the Research Seminar "Temporal Sensory Analysis".

Speaker: Pascal Schlich (University of Dijon and INRA - National Institute for Agronomical Research)

Sensory perception is a temporal process and most times consumer acceptance of products is largely linked with the entire eating or drinking experience. Temporal sensory analysis methods, study the change of attributes over time, while eating a food product, constituting an important tool to fully understand sensory experiences and liking.

Short biography
Pascal Schlich is a Professor at the University of Dijon and Director of Research with the INRA (National Institute for Agronomical Research) in Dijon, France. He is currently the head of the ChemoSens platform which gathers the facilities in both sensory and physicochemical analyses of the Center for Taste and Feeding (CSGA) in Dijon. Dr. Schlich has been doing methodological research for about 25 years on difference testing, panellist performances, descriptive analysis, preference mapping and new sensory data collection techniques such as the Temporal Dominance of Sensations (TDS). These last 10 years he was also in charge of national research projects about sensory education of children and consumer preferences towards fat, sweet and salt sensations.