For Exchange Students, including Erasmus program

Please note that exchange students entering the regular portuguese based curricula at the college must choose from the following list for courses taught in english:

Curricular UnitECTSCycleCurricular yearSemester
Advanced Clinical Microbiology 5M.Sc.12
Advanced Food Technologies 5M.Sc.11
Advanced Transport Phenomena M.Sc.11
Biointerfaces and Cell Behaviour 5M.Sc.11
Biomaterials II 5M.Sc.12
Development of New Products & Processes 5M.Sc.12
Environmental Practices and Sustainability 6M.Sc.12
Fermentation and Enzyme Technology 5M.Sc.12
Instrumental Analysis and Laboratory Automatization 5M.Sc.11
Integrated Microbiology Laboratory Practice 5M.Sc.12
Microbial Biotechnology 5M.Sc.12
Microbiology and Environmental Quality 5M.Sc.12
Microorganisms and Food Safety 5M.Sc.11
Molecular Genetics 5M.Sc.12
Molecular Microbiology 5M.Sc.11
Packaging 5M.Sc.12
Safety in the Food Chain 5M.Sc.12
Management, Innovation and Marketing 5M.Sc.1.21
Biomedical Engineering Project 15M.Sc.21
Engineering and Food Innovation Project 15M.Sc.21
Epidemiology 5B.Sc.22
General Microbiology II 6B.Sc.21
Research Project (Microbiology) I 30M.Sc.21
Research Project (Microbiology) II 30M.Sc.22
Virology 3B.Sc.21
Applied Particle Mechanics 5B.Sc.31
Biomaterials I 5B.Sc.31
Biomedical Engineering Project I 16B.Sc.32
Bioreactor Technology 5B.Sc.31
Cell Culture 5B.Sc.31
Chemical and Structural Properties of Food 5B.Sc.31
Environmental Microbiology 5B.Sc.31
Food Engineering Project I 17B.Sc.32
Food Microbiology 5B.Sc.31
Food Processing 5B.Sc.31
Food Technologies 5B.Sc.31
Immunology 5B.Sc.32
Industrial Microbiology 5B.Sc.31
Microbiology and Health 5B.Sc.31
Microbiology Project I 17B.Sc.32
Pharmacodynamics and Nutrition 4B.Sc.32
Toxicology 5B.Sc.31.2
Sensory Analysis 5B.Sc. + M.Sc.4 + 11
Biotechnological Tools for Food, Environmental and Health Applications 5Ph.D.**
Fats and Oils 6M.Sc.**
Food and Nutrition 6Ph.D.**
Food Packaging. Materials, Systems and Technology 6M.Sc.**
Fruits and Vegetables 6M.Sc.**
Wine Production 6M.Sc.**

* These courses are lectured intensively. If interested please ask for specific schedule.